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Setting: Forgotten Realms world Western Heartlands region
Sunset Vale area 8/6/1372
Adventure Background:
Twenty years ago a noble band of adventurers roamed the Western Heartlands doing
the things adventurers do. Eventually, age caught up with them and they retired,
going their separate ways and, for the most part, losing touch with each other.
Allons DeGuerre, the cleric of the group, has always regretted that but, like
most folk, has been too caught up in his day-to-day affairs to do anything about
it. In his case, the affairs have dealt mainly with the construction of a sturdy
redoubt in the foothills outside Hluthvar, about eighty miles south of Corm Orp.
In honor of the dedication of this monument to the glory of Ilmater, Allons has
quested his son Morgan to locate the surviving members of the Five and invite
them to the ceremony and the celebration of his 50th birthday, both of which
will occur six weeks hence.
The PC's are living in the small hamlet of Corm Orp, gaining gold and
experience fighting off Zhent incursions from Darkhold. The Hungry Halfling is
the only place to spend it, however, and the group is bored silly. Out of the
night comes an offer: accompany the son of Allons as he seeks to find the former
members of the "Fiddlin' Five".
This adventure is designed for beginners - both players and DM's, and is
designed to expose them to many types of
- Terrain:
- Open road
- Dungeon
- City
- River
- Woods
- Mountains
- Races:
- Humans
- Halflings
- Dwarves
- Elves
- Gnomes
- Monsters:
- Human
- Wildlife
- Undead
- Summoned creatures
- Flying creatures
- Orc-kin
- Constructs
Adventure Summary:
This adventure will take the heroes from the sleepy burg of Corm Orp to the
Edge, the mining camp outside Hill's Edge. From there they will visit the
sprawling (to them, anyway) city of Hill's Edge, the Reaching Woods, the Sunset
Mountains, and various stops in between.
Prologue: Corm Orp:
The group is one of three currently working the evening shift (as opposed to the
day and the "graveyard" shift) for the local militia. There are three
squads; one assigned to the northern Dusk Road checkpoint ("Alfie"),
another given the south station ("Betty") and a third, comprised
entirely of halflings, which patrols between the two in a circular pattern,
visiting the two checkpoints every hour. This third squad, designated as
"Charlie", is also derisively known as "Chuck 'n' Duck", for
their propensity to fight from a distance with their slings.
Late one warm, spring evening, your group is dutifully guarding the south
checkpoint ("Betty"), impatiently awaiting your relief two hours away.
It's been a couple of weeks since your last action, and the usual talk of where
you'd rather be and what you'd rather be doing has grown stale. As the group
lapses into a weary silence, a shout is heard in the distance. You look up to
see a human, clothed in the garb normally associated with a priest, running down
the road toward you. Close behind, whooping and hollering, are a half-dozen
small, humanoid creatures.
The creatures are goblins, right out of the Monster Manual, and will flee at
the first sight of armed resistance, or when the stranger reaches the
adventurers. The cleric is 100 feet from the checkpoint, the goblins 25 feet
behind him, and closing at a rate of 10 feet per round. The DM should award the
party for aggressively attempting to help the cleric. Should any of the goblins
be killed, they will have no belongings of any worth.
The goblins have no intention of battling a party equal to its own, which you
realize just as you pull even with the stranger. At that point you notice the
arrow sticking out of his shoulder and the bloodstains on his cloak.
"Help me" he moans, and slumps to the ground, attempting to reach the
If the characters help the stranger remove the arrow, he casts Cure Light
Wounds upon himself and slowly, after several laboring breaths, comes around to
normal again. Around this time the Charlie squad arrives, announcing their
approach as they usually do, slinging stones at your barricade in an effort to
make everyone jump Should the party escort Morgan to the Hungry Halfling, he
buys a round for everyone. At this point he eyes the adventurers critically and
begin to tell his tale:
"Good folk, you seem as capable as you are kind. My name is Morgan
DeGuerre, faithful follower of our savior Ilmater (blesshisholyname). As you can
see, I am in need of some able-bodied help. Perhaps I could interest you in
joining my worthy cause?"
From here Morgan spins the tale of his father, Allons, and his well-known (20
years ago) band of adventurers, the Fiddlin' Five. "I cannot pay you the
wages to which you might be accustomed, but I have a hundred gold that I would
be willing to contribute toward a communal fund, and I'm modestly skilled in the
healing arts. Of course, you may also keep anything we might gain along the
When asked, Morgan tells of being ambushed just down the road by a
"huge" party of goblins. Despite his "heroic efforts", he
was forced to flee after one of the villains shot him from behind.
Any PC with Sense Motive skill may tell (DC 10) from Morgan's blush that he
simply ran like a rabbit at the first sign of trouble.
Regardless, should the party agree to accompany Morgan, they may resign their
"commission" in the Corm Orp militia the following morning, gather any
supplies they may own/purchase (which won't be much), and set off.
Morgan has a copy of the map of Sunset Vale, which he will share with the
Let's See What Ya Got
A lovely spring day accompanies your departure from Corm Orp, and any regrets at
having left friends and relatives behind is soon replaced with a sense of
anticipation of adventures to come.
This lasts about two hours, and then your feet begin to remind you that it's a
couple of days' travel to your first stop. As your attention begins to wane, you
round a bend in the road in the middle of the road between flanking stands of
evergreen trees. From behind the largest one steps two men, while a third enters
the road facing you from the other side. They line up abreast, about twenty feet
apart, blocking the road. You all hear Morgan immediately say a quick chant
under his breath. The leader smirks and says:
"Well met, travelers, and welcome to our lovely stretch of woods. My name
is Harrimat, and my friends and I are the duly appointed tax collectors of this
district. Our toll for passage today is a mere 10 gold - a bargain, don't you
Morgan says, in a whisper that only you can hear: "They are evil".
There are a total of five bandits, including one well-hidden archer on each
side of the road. If the party pays the "toll", they are allowed to go
on their way (but what fun is that?). Distance from each bandit in the road to
the party leader is 50 feet. The archers have 50% cover (+4 AC, +2 Reflex save)
once spotted (DC 20) and are 50 feet from the PC's in the back row. If the party
attempts to parley at all, Morgan receives and forwards more information each
round from his detect evil, as described in the PHB:
2nd round: "There are five of them".
3rd round: "There is one hidden on each side of the road".
Once battle commences, Morgan attempts to cast bless on the party, then try to
heal anyone injured. He fights only in self-defense.
Bandits, male human War2 (5): CR 2; Medium Humanoid (6 ft. tall); HD 2d8+4;
hp 16,13,13,11,11; Init +2 (Dex); Spd 20 ft. (scale mail), base 30 ft.; AC 17
(+2 Dex, +4 armor, +1 shield); Atk +4 melee (1d8+2/crit 19-20, long sword) or +4
ranged (1d8/crit 19-20, light crossbow); AL NE; SV Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1;
Str 15, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 9.
Skills: Climb +4, Handle Animal +1, Intimidate +2, Jump +4, Ride +4, Hide +3.
Feats: Dodge.
Possessions: Scale mail, small wooden shield, longsword, light crossbow with
six bolts. The leader has a pouch containing two gems: a transparent pale blue
quartz (10gp) and an orange Carnelian (50gp).
The bandits attempt to escape should three of their number fall, but not
until at least three rounds of combat have taken place.
Shazbot the Perverse "Head bad guy" - male human Wiz10: CR 10; Size
M (5 ft., 2 in. tall); HD 10d4+10; hp 38; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 13
(+3 Dex); Attack +4 melee, or +8 ranged; SV Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +8; AL NE; Str
8, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 9.
Skills and feats: Appraise +6, Balance +8.5, Craft +16, Disguise +1, Escape
artist +8.5, Hide +3, Innuendo +2.5, Knowledge (arcana) +16, Listen +1, Move
silently +3, Open lock +6, Sense motive +4, Spot +1; Brew potion, Craft magic
arms and armor, Craft wand, Endurance, Heighten spell, Maximize spell, [Scribe
scroll], Spell focus (evocation).
Possessions: +1 Dagger; Rod of Viper, camouflaged Carpet of Flying (sky blue
on bottom, green/brown on top); 11pp, 2gp
Wizard Spells Memorized (4/5/5/4/3/2):
0th -- Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance.
1st -- Burning Hands, Chill Touch, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Sleep.
2nd -- Blindness/Deafness, Invisibility, Melf's Acid Arrow (3).
3rd -- Fireball, Hold Person, Lightning Bolt (2).
4th - Ice Storm (2), Improved Invisibility.
5th -- Cone of Cold, Teleport.
Nickar - male half-elf Wiz11: Size M (5 ft., 5 in. tall); HD 11d4+22; hp 53;
Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.;
AC 15 (+2 Dex, +2 Amulet); Attack +5 melee, or +7 ranged;
SV Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +8; AL LN; Str 11 (0), Dex 15 (2), Con 14 (2), Int 18
(4), Wis 13 (1), Cha 10 (0).
Skills and feats: Balance +3, Climb +1.5, Concentration +11, Knowledge (arcana)
+18, Knowledge (nature) +17, Knowledge (religion) +16, Listen +2, Move silently
+5, Search +5, Sense motive +2, Spellcraft +14, Spot +2; Combat casting, Craft
magic arms, Craft wondrous item, Lightning reflexes, Silent spell, Spell
Possessions: +1 Dagger; +1 Club; Potion of Cure Light Wounds; Scroll [arcane,
caster level 7; Lighting Bolt; Fireball; Ice Storm]; Brooch of Shielding; Amulet
of Natural Armor +2; Rod of Immovable; 19pp, 18gp.
Wizard Spells Known (4/5/5/5/4/2/1):
0th -- Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt
Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close,
Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance.
1st -- Charm Person, Identify, Magic Missile 2, Shield, Shocking Grasp.
2nd -- Blur, Protection from Arrows, Glitterdust, Mirror Image, Tasha's Hideous
Laughter, Web.
3rd -- Dispel Magic, Fly, Haste, Hold Person, Lightning Bolt 2, Fireball 2
4th -- Arcane Eye, Charm Monster, Wall of Fire.
5th -- Cone of Cold, Teleport.
6th - Chain Lightning.
Sho Ironstones- male dwarf (hill) Ftr6, Knight of the Mug5: CR 11; Size M (4
ft., 2 in. tall); HD 11d10+33; hp 100; Init +0; Spd 20 ft.; AC 10; Attack
+14/+9/+4 melee, or +11/+6/+1 ranged; SV Fort +10, Ref +3, Will +4; AL NG; Str
17 (+3), Dex 11 (+0), Con 17 (+3), Int 12 (+1), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 11 (+0).
Skills and feats: Appraise +3, Craft +3, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +1, Gather
information +5.5, Hide +0, Jump +2, Listen +8, Move silently +0, Search +5.5,
Spot +3; Knowledge (Ale) +6; Carousing +4; Innuendo +4;
Alertness, Cleave, Exotic weapon proficiency (waraxe, dwarven), Improved
critical (longbow, composite), Power attack, Toughness, Run, Two-weapon
fighting, Weapon focus (mace, heavy), Weapon specialization (mace, heavy).
Possessions: 21,000 gp in gear.
The Order of the Holy Mug. Servants and witnesses of the great dwarven
serving wench. Without her there would be no merriment or peace among the
dwarves for it is she who brought them the most holy of creations. Beer. Knights
of the holy Mug value Love and Peace above all else but if the need arises then
cracking the skulls of evildoers is all good clean fun as far as they are
concerned. Their knightly code is as follows.
Code of the Knight:
· Do not pass up a free drink.
· Buy some one a drink when you can.
· Spread the gospel of love and peace.
· Get rip roaring drunk at least once a month.
· The mug is mightier than the axe.
· Never waste good ale.
· Do not suffer an evildoer to live, especially if he disrupts the festivities.
Typically a Knight will travel from town to town (often in a drunken stupor)
spreading the gospel of the divine serving wench. When confronted with evil
though they meet it with boisterous laughter and shining bravado, ready to take
on all comers in the name of love and peace.
Level BAB Reflex Fortitude Will Special
1 +1 +0 +2 +1 Drunken Rage 1/day
2 +2 +1 +2 +1 Alcoholic Breath 1/day
3 +3 +1 +3 +1 Drunken Rage 2/day
4 +4 +2 +3 +2 Good Ale 1/day
5 +5 +2 +3 +2 Drunken Savant 1/day
Drunken Rage(Ex): This ability functions exactly as the Barbarian's Rage
ability. If a character already has the rage ability this ability adds 1 to the
number of times it may be used per day.
Alcoholic Breath(Su): This ability allows a Knight to breath forth a jet of
fiery alcohol. This ability is mimics the spell Burning Hands and is treated as
if it is cast by a sorcerer of the same level as the dwarf.
Good Ale(Su): This ability allows a dwarf to automatically save versus any
non-magical poison. This is due to the fact that the Knights build up an almost
magical tolerance to alcohol and other poisons.
Drunken Savant(Ex): This ability allows a Knight that is in a drunken stupor to
suddenly come up with an epiphany-like insight into a given subject granting a
+20 bonus to any one knowledge skill. After the Knight's intoxication wears off
though this insight is lost.
Sly - male human Rog10: CR 10; Size M (5'7"); HD 10d6; hp 37; Init +3
(+3 Dex); Spd 30 ft.;
AC 13 (+3 Dex); Attack +8/+3 melee, or +10/+5 ranged; SV Fort +3, Ref +10, Will
+4; AL CG;
Str 13, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 5.
Skills and feats: Bluff +7, Diplomacy +7, Disable device +14, Hide +14,
Intimidate +10, Jump +11, Knowledge (religion) +4, Listen +14, Move silently
+16, Search +13, Sense motive +13, Spot +1, Wilderness lore +5; Dodge,
Endurance, Leadership, Power attack, Weapon focus (sap).
Possessions: 16,000 gp in gear.
Coliss, male human Rgr10: CR 10; Size M (6'2"); HD 10d10+10; hp 63; Init
+8 (+4 Dex, +4 Impr init); Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 (+4 Dex); Attack +13/+8 melee, or
+14/+9 ranged;
SV Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +6; AL NG; Str 16 (3), Dex 18 (4), Con 12 (1), Int 12
(1), Wis 17 (3), Cha 14 (2).
Skills and feats: Animal empathy +14, Concentration +3, Heal +9, Hide +4,
Jump +14, Knowledge (nature) +12, Listen +15, Move silently +14, Profession +6,
Spot +15, Use rope +7;
Alertness, Improved initiative, Run, Toughness, [Track], Weapon focus (mace,
Possessions: 16,000 gp in gear.
Ranger Spells Per Day: 2/2.
Nymphia, female half-elf Assassin1/Rog4/Sor5: CR 10; Size M (5'7");
HD d6+3 + 4d8+12 + 5d6+15; hp 60; Init +4 (+4 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 16 (+4 Dex,
Leather +2);
Attack +9 (1d6+4, 19x2, short sword +3) melee or +9 (1d6+2, 20x3, composite
shortbow +2) ranged;
SV Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +5; AL LE;
Str 13, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 15.
Skills and feats: Alchemy +6, Bluff +7, Disable Device +6, Disguise +12, Gather
Information +5, Hide +14,
Listen +5, Move Silently +14, Scry +6, Spellcraft +6, Spot +5, Tumble +9, Use
Magic Device +7;
Death Attack, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Expertise, Weapon Finesse (Short Sword).
Sorcerer Spells Known (6/4/2)
0th - Dancing Lights, Daze, Flare, Ghost Sound, Read Magic, Resistance
1st - Change Self, Expeditious Retreat, Sleep, Spider Climb
2nd - Invisibility, Web
Possessions: Leather +2, Potion of Cure Serious Wounds, Potion of Sneaking,
Ring of Climbing, Ring of Feather Falling, composite shortbow +2, short sword
+3, 65gp, Queen of Spades calling cards
Morgan, male human Clr5: CR 5; Size M (5 ft., 10 in. tall); HD 5d8; hp 22;
Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.;
AC 17 (+1 Dex, scale mail +2); Attack +3 (+3 Base) melee, or +4 (+3 Base, +1 Dex)
SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +7; AL LG; Str 11 (+0), Dex 12 (+1), Con 11 (+0), Int
10 (+0), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 10 (+0).
Skills and feats: Climb +1, Forgery +1, Gather information +2, Hide +1,
Diplomacy +6, Knowledge (arcana) +3, Knowledge (religion) +9, Listen +3, Move
silently +1, Sense motive +4, Spot +3;
Combat casting, Extra turning, Skill focus (knowledge (religion)).
Possessions: 100 gp.
Cleric Domains: Law, Good.
Cleric Spells Per Day: 5/4+1/3+1/2+1.
Clerical Spells Memorized (usually):
0th - Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Read Magic, Resistance
1st - Bless, Cure Light Wounds (2), Detect Evil, Protection from Evil*, Magic
2nd - Aid*, Cure Moderate Wounds (2), Lesser Restoration
3rd - Cure Serious Wounds (3d8+5), Magic Circle Against Evil*, Prayer (for the
really big fights)
* - Domain spells
Hill's Edge Herald
Volume 2 Issue 1
--The Latest News--
Corm Orp - Militia officials are mystified as to the cause of a rash of
resignations amongst the local garrison. "I can't understand it",
sighed 'Sarge'. "Must have something to do with that sissy cleric
Dusk Road - The bodies of three known bandits were found yesterday just
outside Corm Orp. Bloodstains and bite marks indicate a fierce battle took
place. No valuables were found, and so no services are expected to be held.
Sunset Vale East - Local rangers report finding a large nest of wolverines,
including four newborn, just off the Dusk Road. Both parents are said to be
doing well. "They're so cute when they're young!" exclaimed one of the
The Edge - A recently hired dwarven-run mining company is reporting
remarkable success at pumping out the flooded Edge mining site, just northeast
of Hill's Edge. "We're having new breakthroughs every day" reports Sho
Ironstones, project manager.
A candlelight vigil was held for the Misovich family yesterday evening. In lieu
of flowers, the church is asking for donations to the Stomp-an-Orc Fund.
Authorities are on the lookout for four people who skipped town on a large
tab at the Happy Hippocampus. "She said her name was 'Delicious'",
said popular local bartender "Red" Herrin sadly. "I fell for it
A new magic shop, Scarlet Notions, has opened downtown. It is expected to
provide serious competition to the Eldritch Ebony and the Handful of Eyes.
Continued warfare is being reported between the Wampus Cats, a local thieves
guild, and a mysterious bunch of newcomers to the area.
The current beautiful weather spell is expected to last at least another
Playa Bandits Wolverines Gricks Special Shoc Total
Mekos 100 100 + 300 360 50a 100 1010
Squire John 100 100 360 50b 100 710
Fahreal 100 100 360 100 660
Dark Mage 100 100 360 100 660
Hannibal 100 100 200
Morgan 1/6th 1/6th + ˝ 1/5th 100 ?
Special Awards: These will be given each week and will increase by 50 xp each
week, and other categories may be added
Best Roleplaying: Mekos - but that's added into the wolverine bonus.
Funniest Line: Don't remember any.
a For reminding me twice that her Detect Traps spell was about to wear off.
Anytime a player keeps me on course by pointing out something that works to the
party's disadvantage, I will reward them.
b For reminding of something about a spell or ability of Dark Mage's although I
can't remember exactly what.
c For finding Sho. Story awards for finding the other members of the Five will
increase exponentially.
Meet Sho Ironstones - male dwarf (hill) Ftr6, Knight of the Mug5: CR 11; Size M
(4 ft., 2 in. tall); HD 11d10+33; hp 100; Init +0; Spd 20 ft.; AC 10; Attack
+14/+9/+4 melee, or +11/+6/+1 ranged; SV Fort +10, Ref +3, Will +4; AL NG; Str
17 (+3), Dex 11 (+0), Con 17 (+3), Int 12 (+1), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 11 (+0).
Skills and feats: Appraise +3, Craft +3, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +1, Gather
information +5.5, Hide +0, Jump +2, Listen +8, Move silently +0, Search +5.5,
Spot +3; Knowledge (Ale) +6; Carousing +4; Innuendo +4;
Alertness, Cleave, Exotic weapon proficiency (waraxe, dwarven), Improved
critical (longbow, composite), Power attack, Toughness, Run, Two-weapon
fighting, Weapon focus (mace, heavy), Weapon specialization (mace, heavy).
The Order of the Holy Mug. Servants and witnesses of the great dwarven
serving wench. Without her there would be no merriment or peace among the
dwarves for it is she who brought them the most holy of creations. Beer. Knights
of the holy Mug value Love and Peace above all else but if the need arises then
cracking the skulls of evildoers is all good clean fun as far as they are
Code of the Knight:
· Do not pass up a free drink.
· Buy some one a drink when you can.
· Spread the gospel of love and peace.
· Get rip-roaring drunk at least once a month.
· The mug is mightier than the axe.
· Never waste good ale.
· Do not suffer an evildoer to live, especially if he disrupts the festivities.
Typically a Knight will travel from town to town (often in a drunken stupor)
spreading the gospel of the divine serving wench. When confronted with evil
though they meet it with boisterous laughter and shining bravado, ready to take
on all comers in the name of love and peace.
Lvl BAB Reflex Fort Will Special
1 +1 +0 +2 +1 Drunken Rage 1/day
2 +2 +1 +2 +1 Alcoholic Breath 1/day
3 +3 +1 +3 +1 Drunken Rage 2/day
4 +4 +2 +3 +2 Good Ale 1/day
5 +5 +2 +3 +2 Drunken Savant 1/day
Drunken Rage (Ex): This ability functions exactly as the Barbarian's Rage
ability. If a character already has the rage ability this ability adds 1 to the
number of times it may be used per day.
Alcoholic Breath (Su): This ability allows a Knight to breath forth a jet of
fiery alcohol. This ability is mimics the spell Burning Hands and is treated as
if it is cast by a sorcerer of the same level as the dwarf.
Good Ale (Su): This ability allows a dwarf to automatically save versus any
non-magical poison. This is due to the fact that the Knights build up an almost
magical tolerance to alcohol and other poisons.
Drunken Savant (Ex): This ability allows a Knight that is in a drunken stupor to
suddenly come up with an epiphany-like insight into a given subject granting a
+20 bonus to any one knowledge skill. After the Knight's intoxication wears off
though this insight is lost.
The End of the Fiddlin' Five
During a brief lull in your initial conversations with Sho, Morgan quietly asks
"Mr. Ironstones, my father was never very forthcoming with tales of your
group's adventures, particularly regarding the circumstances that caused you to
part ways. Is this something you could tell me about?"
Sho pauses, a faraway look in his eyes. "Well, ye father is one of the
most courageous men I've ever met, but methinks the violence bothered him more
than he would ever let on. His faith was strong, though, and his beliefs got him
"Our parting? Ahhh...'twas not pleasant, youngsters." He bangs his
ever-filling tankard on the table, despite it being only half empty. The spray
settles and the mug refills, as expected. The dwarf pauses for a moment,
gathering his thoughts. "We had finally cornered this evil wizard who
fancied hisself 'Shazbot the Perverse', in an old tower. As yer father and I
battled his henchman in the lower level, Sly, the thief, our wizard, Nickar, and
the ranger Coliss chased the slimy bastard up the stairs. The woodsman found
hisself in a life-or-death scrap with a mechanical beastie the magician was so
fond of creatin', whilst the other two were pinned down at the top of the stairs
by sorcerous bolts from its master. As Shaz began to make his escape through the
window, Nick desperately cast a fireball at him. The explosion made slag out of
the metal man and blew Shaz out the window. Only charred bits of his cloak
"To my sorrow, the blast killed the brave ranger, as well. Yer daddy was
able to raise him from the dead, thanks to a scroll we had wisely kept for jes'
such an occasion, but something inside him seemed to have died. A moody one, he
was, and the experience made him even more distant. I tried to talk to him, but
it did no bleedin' good. A few days later he just up and sed he was leavin', and
nuttin' we could say would make him change his mind. He wouldn't tell us where
he was goin', and we never heard from him again. Things just weren't the same
after that. Within a couple of tendays we realized it was time to go our
separate ways.
"It just wasn't the same..."
Dusk is rapidly approaching as the celebration at Ilmater's Glory, the
newly-erected temple built under the auspice of the high priest Allons
DeGuerre, continues into its second day. Your group, as members of the
Corm Orp militia, have been invited to participate/provide security. The
damage done in the massive battle four days previous has been repaired, the bodies of dozens of orcs, ogres, and trolls have been burned, and innocents
lost have been mourned. Thoughts of the looming presence of Darkhold, a few dozen miles to the east, have been pushed aside for the moment.
Your thoughts turn to the amazing exploits of a band of your former
men-at-arms, Darq, Mekos, Fahreal and Squire John, who months ago were mere privates in the militia like you. Now they are guests of honor at the
fete, having played a major part in the reunion of the Fiddlin' Five and
the defeat of the evil wizard Shazbot. This was the glory you dreamed of
when you chose this life - not manning a checkpoint on some dusty road in the middle of nowhere.
The reverie is broken as a bearded dwarf taps you on the shoulder. "Master
Sho requests a moment of your time?" You recognize the name as one of the
now-retired adventurers that travelled the Heartlands with Allons a
generation ago. Not wishing to offend such a legendary character, you
quickly hurry over to where he awaits at an outdoor table.
"Greetings, youngsters!" the aging dwarf exclaims as he pounds his ornate
mug on the table, causing it to miraculously refill with a foamy brew.
"I've heard some good things about yer skills from the locals, and am
wonderin' if ye might be interested in a little short-term employment?"
He quickly drains a goodly portion of the ale as you hem and haw, trying to
figure out a polite way to scream "YES!"
"Me mining camp was boldly attacked not long ago by a bunch of murderin'
bandits. Yer friends did a crackin' job of fightin' 'em off, but they be
not done yet. Their scouts have been seen sniffin' about, and I need
someone to discover the source of this 'annoyance' and, if possible, put an
end to it. At the very least, find me the location of the scum, and I'll
reward ye handsomely!"
Despite your awe of the great axemaster, you're quick enough to reply.
"Define 'handsomely'".
Sho chuckles and bangs his mug on the table again. "Bring me friends all
the wine and ale they can drink! There's a bit o' the dwarf in them!" (Not
that gracious a gesture - it's all free, anyway). "Ye might have heared of
me smithy down the road from here (DC 3 to have heard of Sunset Vale Mining
Company - ye roll it; I don't care). I'll give ye each a choice of the
finest arms or armor we produce should ye be successful."
This sounds like a reasonable deal, considering the finest that the Corm
Orp militia has to offer, which isn't much.
"Jes' report to Bignose, me foreman, and he'll give ye all the details.
Here - this'll cover yer expenses fer the trip - shouldn't take a day ner
two." He throws a coinpouch bursting with gold pieces on the table -
there's at least 100; a large sum in your eyes.
"This should be a easy pickins fer some strappin' yearlings like yerselves.
There may even be some beer left when ye get back!"
Further information on the area:
Corm Orp
The village of Corm Orp is a flea-speck village with about 15 permanent
buildings on the Dusk Road between Hluthvar and Hill's Edge. The low
hills to the east of the town, however, are dotted with halfling
burrows and dominated by a goodly-sized structure emblazoned with the
symbol of the daisy.
This tiny village is known for its large resident population of
halflings, who live amicably with the few human inhabitants of the
place despite the fact that the village's lord, Dundast Hultel, is human,
as is most of the village militia (30 humans in chain with long swords).
Militia members wear green strips of cloth on their right arms
and left thighs to identify themselves. The native halflings,
preferring to see someone else fight their battles, are quite
comfortable with the arrangement, though if the town is seriously
threatened, a horde of halflings will come boiling out of their
underground homes.
Halfling priests of rank dwell in Corm Orp, making the area a
well-known gathering spot for the race. Many halflings converge on the
hamlet each Shieldmeet to do business with their fellows, trade native
goods, and exchange tales, doubling or trebling its already sizable
nonhuman population.
A large temple to the deity Sheela Peryroyal has been constructed in
the hills overlooking Corm Orp. Its matriarch is Alliya Macanester,
who is much venerated and loved by her followers. She is served in the
temple by dozens of other priests.
Corm Orp's notable export (other than halflings) is a type of stout
pottery. Made of simple red clay in large, usable forms, the pottery of
Corm Orp is highly thought of for its sturdiness and is in common use
throughout the Realms for everyday functions.
Most noted of the Corm Orp potters is Ilvn Makepeace, whose work is
regarded as superior even alongside the sturdy pots the area is famous
for. Makepeace's shop uses a staff of a half-dozen halfling
apprentices. His work sells for 1 - 5 sp per piece, which is 10 times
that of normal pottery.
The Darkhold is a high-spired keep of black stone that rises from a
bare rocky spur on the side of the mountain known as the Grey Watcher
(also called locally the "Grey Watcher of the Morning"). The stone of
this ancient tower is not of local origin, and the tower has
alternately been reported as being created by an elemental during the
reign of Netheril or as being built by giants as a citadel during the
Giants Empire. Regardless, the structure is mammoth in human scale,
with halls and a courtyard large enough to host entire battles. The
castle has been known by many names through the years, including the
Keep of the Far Hills, the Wild Hold, and Sunset Keep. It was seized by
the Zhentarim in 1312 and has become a major base for the Black
Network, rivalling the Citadel of the Raven.
Patrols from Darkhold roam the Far Hills north to Yellow Snake Pass and
Skull Gorge and south to Asbravn, often sparring with the Red Cloaks of
Asbravn and the Corm Orp militia. Caravans controlled or guarded by
Zhentarim forces make this place a regular stop when traveling to and
from the Sword Coast. Representatives of Darkhold can be found in
merchant trains from northern Mirabar to southern Calimshan, and east
to Zhentil Keep itself.
Darkhold is currently the base for 1,000 men-at-arms under the command
of the wizard Sememmon and a strong force of rogues, warriors, wizards,
and evil clerics.
Hill's Edge
Hill's Edge is a small but prosperous community located along the Dusk
Road between Triel and Corm Orp, at the foot of the Far Hills. The Edge
is a freewheeling town where raiders are as common as traders, and
often indistinguishable. Situated near the western entrance of Yellow
Snake Pass, the town sees a lot of trade and a great many agents of the
Zhentarim and their forces at Darkhold.
Hill's Edge is home to a modest temple to Lliira, The Cry of Joy. It is
controlled by Joybringer Caseldown. The Fist of the Future was a Cyricist
temple run by Emana Gortho, a careful plotter who sought to
attract the attention (and favor) of her god by bringing Hill's Edge
fully to the side of evil. Gortho had been assembling thugs, rogues,
and fanatics to aid her in this matter, when the temple was sacked
nearly twenty years ago.
Hill's Edge is ruled by a mayor, elected yearly. Of late, there has
been a dearth of suitable (and willing) candidates, and the town
fathers are looking for some adventurer or merchant brave or willing
enough to take the job. Hill's Edge has only a small police force, and
the town leaders dislike the idea of any action that might drive
business elsewhere.
With no real account of what happen, here is a brief outline.
The characters went from the town to the mines after meeting a dwarf who had
a job for the characters to do. After reaching the mines, they descended
into a cave system and followed some tracks. After following the tracks
out of the caverns, they came across a wild band of riders. After hiding,
the group returned to the cave entrance. The group found a hole in a
wall, crawled in and encountered a Grick. The halfling female defeated
it. The group was damaged, but survived.
As you get back to Sho's camp following your exploration of the caves, a
surprise awaits you. Thurdiculous "Thud" Stonebreaker, another buddy
yours from the Corm Orp militia, is anxiously awaiting you on the porch of
the processing building. You like Thud - he's a good man in a fight - but
he's not the brightest bulb in the chandelier. In fact, he's as dumb as a
rock, frequently endangering his comrades with his wild swings of his huge
axe and his maniacal attacks. Despite this, he has a gentle nature, and
might be inclined to try and pet a charging rhino first unless given
specific instructions.
As you approach he leaps to his feet, shouting "Look! Goodies!"
still waiting for the first time he uses more than two words in a
sentence). Lying in a pile on the porch are the following:
3 potions of Cure Moderate Wounds
1 potion each of Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, and some kind of universal
a scroll of Burning Hands and Identify (5th level)
a set of lockpicks on a worn leather strap monogrammed with an 'S'
a note: "Thought you might be able to use these. Good luck!" signed by
Allons, Nickar, and Sly

Character History
Wizards & Cooks
Grand Total
*Roleplaying: In general,
this is a ever-increasing bonus just for showing up. It will be increased
anytime someone does something especially in-character. I didn't give any xp for
the trap on the chest because, well, you didn't defeat it.So everyone goes up a
level. Please do everything (skills, spells, feats) except roll hit points. I
like doing them live.
Haul (last night):
Set of chainmail (Elryd)l, a +1 longsword, 17gp from the various bodies, a
+1 dagger, a +1 sling, a potion of Sneaking, scroll of Unseen Servant, Ray of
Enfeeblement (3rd level), 73gp from the chest.
Your characters know enough about magic to recognize the potency of the weapons.
Total Haul (overall):
See above.
Game Notes:
Your friendly neighborhood DM made a big 'ol screwup by letting your
characters go into the dungeon without resting and recovering your spells. I
didn't realize until after you had set out that this was the case (why did you
do that?). Since three of the PC's are spellcasters (and what fun is it to go
dungeon-diving without spells?), I'm going to indulge in a little revisionist
history. Please forgive me, but I want to make the game more fun for you.
Watching wussy magic-users 'fan on the shot' is not much fun for anybody…
"Thud pooped", moans the big barbarian as he slumps to the floor
while the rest of the party excitedly searches the wizards' chamber. The sudden
quiet makes everyone pause. The group reaches a consensus that some rest might
be in order. Reluctant to leave the defensible room, the weave-spinners go
through the necessary arrangements to recover the spells while Dru scouts the
stables and Thud snores loudly by the door.
The halfling quietly tiptoes through the smelly pens, relying on her darkvision
to find her path. Reaching the rear wall, she discovers a small stream running
through the back of the chamber, disappearing into deep piles of rock on both
ends. Only a few inches in depth, it's obvious that this is the source of water
for the horses, if not for the entire complex. She soon comes across a single
horse in one corner stall. "Probably lame", she muses, as the mare
looks at her, indifferent. Approaching the twin sets of double doors that Aramil
warned her about earlier, her senses register an odd, clanging sound coming
intermittently from the far side of the wall to her right. Passing her tiny
hands across the section of stone from which the sound seems to emanate, she is
surprised to feel the surface give slightly. Immediately the noise ceases, and
the breath catches in the hobbit's throat. After what seems like an eternity,
she hears movement again - the clank and clatter of mundane activity. She
quickly moves away closer to the huge oaken doors.
Unable to reach the small openings in the iron-bound doors, she slowly,
carefully climbs up on the bolts holding the door plates in place. A quick leap
enables her to reach the lower edge of the viewport. Straining to lift her heavy
load up to the hole, she gazes into a large chamber, complete with what appear
to be occasional stalagmites. At that point her sense are assaulted with an
unrecognizable smell, something bestial and she hears a strange snuffling sound,
like that of a pig in it's trough, perhaps. In a flash, a huge humanoid form
appears directly in front of the opening, and with an angry snarl a huge axe
crashes into the door right at eye level!
The diminutive rogue is flung skittering across the stable floor, unhurt but
terrified. As fast as her furry little feet can carry her, she returns to her